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Healthy Habits to Manage COPD in Seniors

healthy-habits-to-manage-copd-in-seniorsCOPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a group of diseases that obstruct airflow in the lungs. This lung disease is also prevalent in the elderly population, which has a high impact on quality of life, mortality, and morbidity. While early, it is best to practice healthy life choices to avoid or reduce the severity of COPD.

As your trusted home health aide in California, we have cared for individuals with COPD. Here are some healthy habits you can do to manage or prevent this disease.

  • Quit smoking
    This habit causes a variety of health problems due to the amount of nicotine and other chemicals in each cigarette stick.
  • Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly
    Excess weight may obstruct our activity, which ultimately affects how our heart and lungs function. For seniors, a simple yoga or pilates routine can help keep their heart and lungs going. Ask your provider of non-medical home care to incorporate a balanced mix of fruits, veggies, and protein into their diet, as well.
  • Take medications as prescribed
    Make sure to help your senior loved one take their prescriptions as scheduled.
  • Avoid infections as much as possible
    People with COPD are more prone to lung infections. Talk to a medical professional about influenza and pneumonia vaccines.
  • Remove mucus build-up through techniques
    Following deep coughing and huff coughing techniques will help remove mucus buildup and encourage better airflow.

Currently, there is no known cure for COPD. However, it is possible to mitigate its symptoms.

All City Caregivers is your trusted provider of home care services in Simi Valley, California. We offer non-medical and personal in-home care services that allow people to maintain their independence as they live in their own homes.

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